February 16, 2021
It’s not always easy to get a 3rd year internship in a company. Amic welcomes one trainee every year. It is an opportunity to raise awareness of the world of business and the desire to reaffirm that our French industry is still a dream come true.
Let’s make young people want to join our SMEs!
Specialized for more than 70 years in the distribution and transformation of steel and stainless steel wires into bars, AMIC allows students to discover where this steel and these iron bars come from.
During their internship, they discover that they are used to manufacture springs, medical instruments but also shaped parts such as lampshades, mole traps …
Thus Amic meets the needs of various fields such as aeronautics, industry, medical, luxury…
Let’s discover our know-how !
This week arouses the curiosity of the trainees and provokes many questions. But above all, it is an opportunity to make the students aware of the world of business, its organization and its mode of governance.
70 years of steel wire references, processing techniques and development of the machine park make AMIC a dynamic and forward-looking family industry.