Our products



Amic is the specialist in spring steel wire (high carbon steel) and music wire since 1950. We supply our customers according to EN 10270-1 and DIN 17223:1964-1. The steel tensile strength depends mainly on its carbon content, the higher the carbon content the stronger is the steel. Hard steels have a higher carbon content than mild steels (low carbon steel), usually above 0.35% and below 1.00%. They are particularly suitable for the manufacture of springs.

Amic offers a wide range of round and square spring steel wire:

SH wire, SM wire, SL wire

DH wire, DM wire


51CRV4 wire



High-carbon steels have a low resistance to corrosion, which is why we offer you solutions adapted to your conditions of use. For our spring wires, several coatings are available:


phosphating provides excellent lubrication and adhesion, increases tool life and adds a slight surface protection against corrosion.

Galvanized (Zn) 

 covers the wire with a layer of zinc. It provides the wire with protection against corrosion. Special care must be taken when shaping galvanized wire.

Zinc-Aluminium  (Zn95Al5)
Galfan®, Bezinal®, Corzal®

provides excellent corrosion protection, better than galvanizing.

Tinned (Sn) 

Tinning covers the wire with a layer of tin. It gives a better electrical conductivity and a better solderability. Shiny surface aspect.

For a better resistance to corrosion, Amic recommends the use of its stainless steel wire.


  • photo de barres d'acier dressé

Amic has more than 70 years of experience in straightening and cutting to length steel wires. Our wire straightening machines and our know-how are unique in Europe. They allow us to manufacture custom-made steel bars and rods.

Our range is made from :

  • length 5 mm to 6 m
  • diameter 0,28 to 18 mm

We manufacture by unit (proto) or in small, medium and large series. Amic supplies steel bars for a wide range of industries: spring manufacturing, aeronautics, automotive, machining… After straightening and cutting, it is known that the tensile strength can be reduced by up to 10%.

We deliver all our steel wires in France, in Europe and in the rest of the world.





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DesignationStandard (EN)CSiMnP max.S max.Cu max.Other
SH, SM, SLEN 10270-10,35 - 1,000,10 - 0,300,40 - 1,200.0350.0350.2-
DH, DMEN 10270-10,45 - 1,000,10 - 0,300,40 - 1,200.020.0250.12-
Classe II (G1-HLE)DIN 17223:1964-1Values not guaranteed0.030.030.12-
51CRV4EN 100890,47 - 0,550.40,70 - 1,100.0250.025-Cr : 0,90 - 1,20 V : 0,10 - 0,25

The grades of high carbon steels depend on their stress level and the application for which they are intended:

D” wires are for dynamic applications while “S” wires are for static applications.
“D” hard steels have a better surface quality than “S” steels.
They are classified according to their mechanical tensile strength: “L” for Low, “M” for Medium and “H” for High. These wires are cold drawn and their mechanical properties are obtained by cold work hardening the steel.

51CrV4 is a high strength globular annealed steel suitable for tempered springs.




QualitésUtilisations / Applications
SH• Ressorts de traction
• Ressorts de compression
• Ressorts de torsion
• Sollicitations statiques moyennement fortes
• Rarement sollicitations dynamiques
SM • Ressorts de traction
• Ressorts de compression
• Ressorts de torsion
• Sollicitations statiques faibles
SL• Ressorts de traction
• Ressorts de compression
• Ressorts de torsion
• Faibles sollicitations statiques
DH• Ressorts de traction
• Ressorts de compression
• Ressorts de torsion
• Sollicitations dynamiques moyennement fortes
• Egalement pour des formes de fils nécessitant pliage sévère
• Ressorts de traction
• Ressorts de compression
• Ressorts de torsion
• Sollicitations dynamiques moyennement fortes
• Formes de fil nécessitant un pliage sévère
Classe II (G1-HLE)• Ressorts de compression
• Ressorts de traction
• Contraintes élevées
• Contrainte oscillante
51CRV4• Ressorts de compression
• Ressorts trempés et revenus


Many industries use our wires to manufacture springs and bent parts, but also all types of products using steel wire or bar.

The careful selection process of our suppliers allows us to offer the best quality wire to meet the high requirements of our customers.

Primarily, Amic hard steel wires are used in the manufacture of tension, compression, torsion and formed wire springs.


SM - SM galvaSH - SH galva - DH
ØN/mm²N/mm²Tolérance Ø
0,28 < Ø ≤ 0,302370 - 26502660 - 2940± 0,008
0,30 < Ø ≤ 0,322350 - 26302640 - 2920
0,32 < Ø ≤ 0,342330 - 26002610 - 2890
0,34 < Ø ≤ 0,362310 - 25802590 - 2870
0,36 < Ø ≤ 0,382290 - 25602570 - 2850
0,38 < Ø ≤ 0,402270 - 25502560 - 2830
0,40 < Ø ≤ 0,432250 - 25202530 -2800
0,43 < Ø ≤ 0,452240 - 25002510 - 2780
0,45 < Ø ≤ 0,482220 - 24802490 - 2760
0,48 < Ø ≤ 0,502200 - 24702480 - 2740
0,50 < Ø ≤ 0,532180 - 24502460 - 2720
0,53 < Ø ≤ 0,562170 - 24302440 - 2700
0,56 < Ø ≤ 0,602140 - 24002410 - 2670
0,60 < Ø ≤ 0,632130 - 23802390 - 2650
0,63 < Ø ≤ 0,652120 - 23702380 - 2640± 0,010
0,65 < Ø ≤ 0,702090 - 23502360 - 2610
0,70 < Ø ≤ 0,752070 - 23202330 - 2580
0,75 < Ø ≤ 0,802050 - 23002310 - 2560± 0,015
0,80 < Ø ≤ 0,852030 - 22802290 - 2530
0,85 < Ø ≤ 0,902010 - 22602270 - 2510
0,90 < Ø ≤ 0,952000 - 22402250 - 2490
0,95 < Ø ≤ 1,001980 - 22202230 - 2470
1,00 < Ø ≤ 1,051960 - 22002210 - 2450± 0,020
1,05 < Ø ≤ 1,101950 - 21902200 - 2430
1,10 < Ø ≤ 1,201920 - 21602170 - 2400
1,20 < Ø ≤ 1,251910 - 21402150 - 2380
1,25 < Ø ≤ 1,301900 - 21302140 - 2370
1,30 < Ø ≤ 1,401870 - 21002110 -2340
1,40 < Ø ≤ 1,501850 - 20802090 - 2310
1,50 < Ø ≤ 1,601830 - 20502060 - 2290
1,60 < Ø ≤ 1,701810 - 20302040 -2260
1,70 < Ø ≤ 1,801790 - 20102020 - 2240± 0,025
1,80 < Ø ≤ 1,901770 - 19902000 - 2220
1,90 < Ø ≤ 2,001760 - 19701980 - 2200
2,00 < Ø ≤ 2,101740 - 19601970 - 2180
2,10 < Ø ≤ 2,251720 - 19301940 - 2150
2,25 < Ø ≤ 2,401700 - 19101920 - 2130
2,40 < Ø ≤ 2,501690 - 18901900 - 2110
2,50 < Ø ≤ 2,601670 - 18801890 - 2100
2,60 < Ø ≤ 2,801650 - 18501860 - 2070± 0,030
2,80 < Ø ≤ 3,001630 - 18301840 - 2040
3,00 < Ø ≤ 3,201610 - 18101820 - 2020
3,20 < Ø ≤ 3,401590 - 17801790 - 1990
3,40 < Ø ≤ 3,601570 - 17601770 - 1970
3,60 < Ø ≤ 3,801550 - 17401750 - 1950
3,80 < Ø ≤ 4,001530 - 17301740 - 1930
4,00 < Ø ≤ 4,251510 - 17001710 - 1900± 0,035
4,25 < Ø ≤ 4,501500 - 16801690 - 1880
4,50 < Ø ≤ 4,751480 - 16701680 - 1860
4,75 < Ø ≤ 5,001460 - 16501660 - 1840
5,00 < Ø ≤ 5,301440 - 16301640 - 1820
5,30 < Ø ≤ 5,601430 - 16101620 - 1800± 0,040
5,60 < Ø ≤ 6,001400 - 15801590 - 1770
6,00 < Ø ≤ 6,301390 - 15601570 - 1750
6,30 < Ø ≤ 6,501380 - 15501560 - 1740
6,50 < Ø ≤ 7,001350 - 15301540 - 1710
7,00 < Ø ≤ 7,501330 - 15001510 - 1680± 0,045
7,50 < Ø ≤ 8,001310 - 14801490 - 1660
8,00 < Ø ≤ 8,501290 - 14601470 - 1630
8,50 < Ø ≤ 9,001270 - 14401450 - 1610
9,00 < Ø ≤ 9,501260 -14201430 - 1590± 0,050
9,50 < Ø ≤ 10,001240 - 14001410 - 1570
10,00 < Ø ≤ 10,501220 - 13801390 - 1550± 0,070
10,50 < Ø ≤ 11,001210 - 13701380 - 1530
11,00 < Ø ≤ 12,001180 - 13401350 - 1500± 0,080
12,00 < Ø ≤ 12,501170 - 13201330 - 1480
12,50 < Ø ≤ 13,001160 - 13101320 - 1470
13,00 < Ø ≤ 14,001130 - 12801290 - 1440
14,00 < Ø ≤ 15,001160 - 12601270 - 1410± 0,090
15,00 < Ø ≤ 16,001090 - 12301240 - 1390
16,00 < Ø ≤ 17,001070 - 12101220 - 1360
17,00 < Ø ≤ 18,001050 - 11901200 - 1340
18,00 < Ø ≤ 19,001030 - 11701180 - 1320± 0,100
19,00 < Ø ≤ 20,001020 - 11501160 - 1300
Classe II - G1 - HLE (approx.)
Ø mmN/mm²Tol Ø
0.202697 - 3089± 0,005
0.252697 - 3089
0.302648 - 3040± 0,008
0.352648 - 3040
0.402648 - 3040
0.452648 - 2942
0.502648 - 2942
0.552550 - 2844
0.602550 - 2844
0.652550 - 2844± 0,010
0.702550 - 2844
0.752500 - 2795
0.802500 - 2795± 0,015
0.852500 - 2795
0.902452 - 2746
0.952452 - 2746
1,002452 - 2746
1.102452 - 2746± 0,020
1.202354 - 2697
1.302354 - 2697
1.402354 - 2697
1.502256 - 2501
1.602256 - 2501
1.802207 - 2452± 0,025
2,002108 - 2354


Diamètre nominal d (mm)Masse minimale du revêtement (g/m2)
0,20 ≤ d < 0,25 20
0,25 ≤ d < 0,40 25
0,40 ≤ d < 0,50 30
0,50 ≤ d < 0,60 35
0,60 ≤ d < 0,70 40
0,70 ≤ d < 0,80 45
0,80 ≤ d < 0,90 50
0,90 ≤ d < 1,00 55
1,00 ≤ d < 1,20 60
1,20 ≤ d < 1,40 65
1,40 ≤ d < 1,65 70
1,65 ≤ d < 1,85 75
1,85 ≤ d < 2,15 80
2,15 ≤ d < 2,50 85
2,50 ≤ d < 2,80 95
2,80 ≤ d < 3,20 100
3,20 ≤ d < 3,80 105
3,80 ≤ d ≤ 10,00 110



SL = Class A / A227

SM = Class B / A227

SH = Class C / A228

DH = Class D / A227

DM = ——— / A228

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*All data on this website are provided for information purposes only and are not contractual sales condition.

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